5G phone towers cause sickness

August 17, 2024

It’s what we feared.

Research shows that living near a 5G mobile phone tower can make people sick.

In a series of seven studies, Professor Lennart Hardell and Mona Nilsson investigated a total of 16 people who developed health problems shortly after being exposed to radiation from 5G antennas on base stations near their homes, workplaces or holiday accommodation. Some developed such severe reactions to the 5G signals that they were forced to leave the buildings within the space of a week.

The authors reported that ‘sleeping problems, fatigue, headache, increased emotional symptoms, irritability, and concentration/attention deficiency were the most common early effects from exposure to 5G RF radiation. In fact most subjects reported some grade of these symptoms. Cardiovascular and respiratory system diseases/symptoms were reported by ≥50 % of the study persons. About 50 % of the persons reported some skin problem. Less common were diseases/symptoms of the digestive or urinary tract and ear or vestibular system.’

These symptoms are consistent with symptoms of ‘microwave syndrome’ that were observed in workers in Eastern European countries as early as the 1960s.

Interestingly, none of the study participants had reacted to the 3G and 4G antennas on the base stations near their buildings previously. The fact that they reacted to the 5G signals suggests that ‘5G is more harmful than previous generations of telecommunications,’ the authors said.

The participants were exposed, in some cases, to peaks of radiation of over 3,180,000 µW/m2. This level is much higher than the level recommended by the EuropaEM EMF Guidelines of 2016 (0.1 to 100 µW/m2). However, it’s way below levels allowed by international (ICNIRP) Guidelines (10,000,000 µW/m2), on which many countries standards, including Australia’s, is based – casting doubt on the effectiveness of these standards for protecting public health.

‘However they [these limits] are important for the telecom industry and in particular for the roll out of 5G,’ the authors point out. ‘These limits based on thermal effects are not only promoted by the industry itself but also by the WHO since 1998. The WHO has previously received funding for this work from telecom organizations such as GSM Association and Mobile Manufacturer’s Forum.’

It sounds like industry is calling the shots.

The authors also point out that 5G was rolled out without any prior testing of its effects – even though radiofrequency radiation was classified as a possible carcinogen and even though scientists and doctors called for a moratorium on the roll out until the technology had been tested.

‘… there was no previous research on the effects on humans and the environment from the new 5G RF radiation exposure, including new higher frequencies, modulations, intense fast pulsing and perhaps most importantly the expected much higher RF radiation exposure. In addition, in a report to the European Parliament in 2019 it was noted that 5G exposure will be more complex than previous systems,’ the authors said.

These studies provide evidence that 5G is not necessarily safe as it’s advertised to be and, the authors consider that this, ‘reinforce[s] the urgency to inhibit the deployment of 5G until more safety studies have been performed.’

Hardell, Lennart and Nilsson, Mona. "Summary of seven Swedish case reports on the microwave syndrome associated with 5G radiofrequency radiation" Reviews on Environmental Health, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1515/reveh-2024-0017

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What else can you do?

  • Looking for an EMF Aware electrician? See details for electricians who’ve completed our online course here.

  • Download your free copy of our September issue of EMR and Health here.

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